Pourewa Maara Kai

“Without a doubt, our ancestors will be smiling at this, when they were here it was just a patch of grass. Fast forward 100-200 years later and it’s a plantation that feeds their descendants.” 

The whole site comprises a māra kai, (food garden), a nursery for native plants, and, in development, a waahi rongoa (Maori medicine garden and sacred place).

The māra kai at Pourewa Reserve, feeds an estimated 100 people a week: supplying the Auckland City Mission and a social supermarket. The team follow the Maramataka (traditional Maori planting by the moon) and grow a wide range of food in a beautiful design by Matua Rob Small, as part of his Masters Degree.

The  native plant nursery was the first section to be completed, in June 2020. The activities on-site offer an ongoing legacy in terms of the protection and development of the Tāmaki plant collection, as well as the development of a seed bank of Tāmaki species. These collections help support Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei as a key educator, carrier and guardian of knowledge, and leader for research around kaitiakitanga, traditional use and practices. Plants are used in the restoration of the Pourewa Valley – link opposite.

Future development of the waahi rongoā will form a garden which interfaces with the public, as part of the Tāmaki plant collection and as a physical site for hands-on education and research. Aligned with this, there will be a dedicated space for rongoā (medicine) preparation.

The site also boasts a fantastic composting laboratory with several systems being demonstrated. There will be a composting event during the two days of our Trail as well as tours of the māra kai and waahi rongoa.

Come and check out the māra kai (vegetable garden) and para (composting) at Pourewa! Learn from their kaimahi about the circular kai system, composting and waste reduction tips!


Apirana Acres


Wadhamville Garden for Wellbeing